Scott Pilgrim vs My GPA 2025.02.28

Waiter! Waiter! More weird stories please!

[*] The title isn’t related to the band of the same name.


Scott Pilgrim

I just finished watching Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (the show) outta nowhere, and while at first I believed that the show really sucked and was empty, the more I just started liking it.

Scott is a messed up person in many ways, mostly ‘cause he’s a bum, and many of us find ourselves being bums in our lives (I’d like to think more than one is at least), but it is nice to see each other improve, probably because of human empathy, even if it is a fictional character it inspires us, it motivates one to improve and look toward the future without fear of what might be thrown at us.

Cover art for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off.
Cover art for the show, highest quality I could find.

It is a story of relationships, of how dating, partners, and exes contribute to how you grow as a person. Once I came to this country I somehow became interested in people and made friends, dated some, and now have exes who are my friends and some that no one should ever contact, I don’t believe that someone who couldn’t be your partner can’t be your friend[[ No second chances at dating that’s for sure xD ]], but you can learn from such experience if you are smart about it by asking yourself questions like: What was my fault? What was their fault? What should I look out for? What should I improve on? What are my red flags? Their red flags? and most importantly please know how to tell good from bad people.


MY CUMULATIVE GPA IS 3.2500 YEAHHH I gotta do better.

I’ve been thinking wayyy too much about college, so far I’ve also decided to pursue something in medicine, maybe a surgeon, maybe a doctor, but something difficult for sure, so far my school needs a GPA of 3.0 in all A-G courses during grades 10-11, which I’m not sure how to achieve.