Engaging in capitalism and killing the Ender Dragon
Today I killed the ender dragon in minecraft with my friends!
It is way easier to just do it with 6 or so people, I think it might be the first time I’ve killed an ender dragon, but does it really count if theres mods[[ Tree Capitator + Vein Miner Addon ]]?
On the 22nd my family went out to the local mall to buy clothes and feed capitalism, we also bought some books, I bought «Rayuela» by Julio Cortazar[[ ”Hopscotch” in English. ]], at the time of writing I’m merely at chapter 2.
After reading a bit I’ve come to ask everyone I know the following question:
“What is the most / maximum ammount of work you would do for a singular sugar cube?”
It is an interestingly useless question to which I’ve gotten many answers to, it is also entirely subjective, it displays the strength or willpower of the person.
I BOUGHT A CD. I love all the music in the album specially tracks: 2 What I got, 3 Wrong Way, 6 Santeria, 9 Pawn Shop, and 13 Under My Voodoo. I might buy more CD’s.