I just had the most incredible day. SCP-6001
The night before I did everything in order, I’m not sure if this has anything to do with how my dream progressed.
I was sitting in my room, which had a different layout, it was missing a lot of the crap that me and my brother keep under his bed, and also lacking the posters on our walls.
I sat on my bed in a shinji position, the room was entirely black, the door was open at around 45° and there was an orange glow emanating from it, whenever I looked through it I couldn’t discern any shapes or any source of the light. I don’t remember there being any real sound but there might’ve been whispers or static in the background.
I sat doing nothing, and it felt as if an eternity had passed, but every once in a while a shadow came to look at me, peeking through the door, the sclera of its eyes was completely white and was bright, the iris and pupil were both black, the rest of its body was also black.
It always came to check on me, and took the outlines of people I know, the two most common outlines were my friend vivian and my brother. The door to my room doesn’t close so I often have to put a heavy object to keep it from nudging open, but everytime I did so it just opened it again, I wasn’t scared then, but now I am.
I woke up without any exaustion, my arm didn’t hurt, nor did my eyes, and everyone was nice to me today, my brother played The Binding Of Isaac with me and Vivian said that I was nice, it was suspicious. Other events encompass:
Today was wierd.