Can Tab Code 2024.09.27

Something that's been on the back of my mind.

Crisis adverted, text censored.

Before we get more in-depth...

What is the “Can Tab Code”?

The Can Tab Code (which I will now abbreviate as CTC) is a code which gives romantic meanings to can tabs, this originated on TikTok and has become very prevalent in my local area, I can count at least 9 people who I am 100% sure know about this topic.

These meanings are not tied to any specific brand or color, but Monster Energy Drink tabs are most commonly used, and aesthetically those are some of the most beautiful ones you could use.


Those which are well known.

1. Hug

Can tab lacking middle part.
Can tab lacking middle part.

You should give this one to someone you want to hug, this could be understood as having a platonic connotation but should still be used with caution.

2. Kiss

Can tab having a hollowed out middle piece.
Can tab having a hollowed out middle piece.

This is used to request a kiss! The kind obviously unspecified yet definitely carrying a romantic meaning.



Those which I’ve seen / heard about rarely.

4. Hold-Hands

I can’t really think of a situation in which this is not romantic, in the end its up to how much you know the person, this could also be misinterpreted as being 2 Hugs, maybe this is why it isn’t as known.

5. Relationship

An interesting way to ask for a relationship thats for sure.


I would probably only use these if I was already in a relationship or in a “talking stage”.