16yr old discovers sonder!!!
Chirk is a free visual novel created by Dogmasque (and a few others) about fitcher and finch, two lesbians that fall in love(?), their / our hopeless situation, how they both come to learn of this, and essentially an examination on how futile and uncontrollable is to be human.
This game brought me from tears to happiness almost immediately, millions must play, millions must chirk.
I found this on a website called VLIF which no longer exists :( a subreddit has been made where they discuss their whereabouts. Again back to VLIF, there was an “AD” that advertised this game.
If you’re interested in Chirk please download and play it, there are downloads for Windows and MacOS listed in it’s itch.io page
The 2nd week of school is coming up . So far I’ve got
I realized that I will be the only person to ever live this life after watching a video titled La vida en CDMX (Life in City of Mexico) By “Compadre Tlacuache”, the video is about Compadre Tlacuache just narrating his years of university with cheems animation (which Hispanic people seem to love).
The part that made me realize this was near the end, in where the following meaning is conveyed.
After finishing university, my mom came to pick me up and we took a plane back home, from the new and interesting to the old and boring. Y’know that feeling when you wake up in someone elses house? I felt that when I got back home just to find myself panicking in my old room like “WHERE AM I? This isnt my room-” looking around and then going …“ohhh yeahh, I already left.”
I miss my old country[[ Homesick for something that was never my home. ]].