Ate a buncha foods
Today I annoyed my mother so much it actually paid off[[ I do not do this habitually, this was the only instance of my crime. ]], I got an elote (or corn on the cob), I didn’t take a picture of it because of my hunger but it was more or less like this:
My mother sadly hated the smell of it, comparing it to the smell of rotting food, which pissed me off and also forced me to eat quickly as to stop the complaining, for the record it smelled amazing and definitely did not smell bad.
I also ate tacos and a red-white-blue popsicle which I had to hide from my family since they just eat anything on sight[[ Exaggeration ]] thankfully I hid it well enough and was able to get this awesome picture !
here are some drawings I’ve done recently, I’m both proud and disgusted by these since, 1. wow they’re some of the best stuff I’ve drawn, and 2. They’re both flawed! The :p girl on the left looks unnatural, and the elf on the right thats pondering her orb has her fingers elongated .
I might post more drawings
My brother (he goes by kyoto online) rediscovered his harmonica and has been learning Zelda songs on it while I am glad he is using his time for good, the noiseee , if I go deaf because of this it would only be a blessing because ASL is amazing .
[[ You might have noticed these inline-notes, I stole them off of ]]